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Ways To Keep Your Golf Cart in the Best Condition

If you have a golf cart, you want to keep it in top condition for as long as possible. These are the top ways to keep your golf cart in the best condition.

Ways To Keep Your Golf Cart in the Best Condition

When you own a golf cart, you want to protect it so that it can last for as long as possible. These ways to keep your golf cart in the best condition will help. Follow these tips and help your cart run smoothly for years.

Charge Your Cart

It’s essential to charge your golf cart batteries when you use them. Charge your golf cart after every use to keep your batteries up to speed.

Check Your Tire Pressure

Regularly checking your tire pressure will ensure that your tires stay working for as long as possible. Check your tire pressure monthly to ensure your tires are ready to go.

Install a Brush Guard

If you install a brush guard, you’ll protect your cart’s glass and front end from damage by the elements. On top of that, there are many benefits of adding a brush guard to your golf cart that you don’t want to miss out on. Install a brush guard on your golf cart today to protect your investment.

Regular Check-Ins With a Professional

Having a professional service your cart yearly will help prevent issues from becoming severe. Regularly check in with a professional for your golf cart’s maintenance.

Check Your Water Levels

With a golf cart, you should regularly check your water levels to make sure you avoid serious issues, such as battery fire. Refill your water levels to ¼ or ½ inch above the plates after charging with distilled water. Checking your water levels will keep you and your cart safe.

Clean Your Batteries

Checking your batteries regularly to ensure they’re clean is crucial when you own a golf cart. Clean your batteries of corrosion and dirt with a baking soda and water solution to keep your connections clear.

Clean Your Golf Cart

A good handwashing now and again is one of the top ways to keep your golf cart in the best condition. Keep your cart’s exterior looking great by handwashing it to remove dirt and grime. Cleaning your cart ensures it has the best possible resale value in the future.

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Last modified: May 17, 2022