Written by: In the Community

How To Encourage Sustainability in Your Community

Learn several ways your community can encourage sustainability. Help the environment while you watch locals in your community become closer. Start today.

How To Encourage Sustainability in Your Community

Want to watch businesses and locals in your community build stronger relationships? Watch this unfold as you encourage sustainability in your community. Educate locals on the benefits of sustainability and caring for our environment. Learn how to encourage sustainability in your community.


One way to encourage sustainability in your community is to switch the kind of lighting that illuminates the streets of your neighborhood and town. Traditional metal halide bulbs emit harmful toxins into the atmosphere. They also require labor for upkeep and installation. Consider solar LED lighting to replace these bulbs. Although they cost more upfront, they require less labor, have an excellent life expectancy, and don’t need replacements as often. It’s easy to see how solar LED lighting benefits your community.

Community Garden

Encourage sustainability in your community through a community garden. This happy place can stand at the local library, near the fire station, or in the downtown square. This will create a place for people to gather and help care for fresh produce. The therapeutic task of raising plants can be a calming way for friends, family members, and community members to connect. Include signs and instructions for the community so that they know the dos and don’ts of the garden.

Rewarding the Community

Let’s face it—as humans, we thrive off of a reward system. That’s why such a system could benefit your local businesses and residents. Host a local awards event for sustainability with business-appropriate awards. Invite all local businesses to participate in this event. Remember, marketing and social events can be a kind reward to small businesses in the area in themselves. You may want to consider creating or promoting an existing foundation that encourages sustainability as well. Form events partnered with the organization you choose. This could look like a scavenger hunt for kiddos in the area or learning events for people of all ages that encourage sustainability. Use rewards to encourage sustainability in your community.


Promote the creation of safe and well-developed bike lanes in your area. This will encourage more bike travel, as opposed to traveling via vehicle. Educate your community on how bike travel reduces harmful emissions in our environment and contributes to a more active lifestyle. A bike community and weekly themed rides can promote sustainability and bring locals in your community together, too.

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Last modified: April 22, 2022