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Ideas for Repurposing Your Spare Bedroom

Ideas for Repurposing Your Spare Bedroom

Spare rooms often become the catch-all room for items that have no place elsewhere in your home. Typically the smallest room in the house, homeowners have difficulty finding a purpose for these extra spaces. However, with some creative planning, you can reclaim that space in no time. 

Use these four ideas for repurposing your spare bedroom for inspiration as you determine how to make the most of this space!

Dressing Room

A separate dressing room is a level of luxury many people don’t have. Luckily, making a dressing room doesn’t require much space or money. To instantly turn your spare room into a dressing room, you’ll only need chic storage to hold your bags and clothes, a full-length mirror, and a vanity for your glam makeup sessions. 

Home Art Studio

Creating an art studio is the perfect outlet for professional artists or rookies to express their feelings creatively. Whether you’re painting, writing, sewing, or scrapbooking, having ample space that holds your supplies and displays your creations is essential. When planning a home art studio, you want to ensure that the room has plenty of natural lighting and an inspiring view. You can also use décor and accessories to create a space that will help your creative juices flow. 

Fitness and Wellness Space

Do you have a treadmill in the corner of your room that’s been collecting dust and clothes since you bought it? When you dedicate your new spare room to working out and wellness, you can give your workout gear an appropriate home. 

When looking for ways to equip your new wellness room, consider choosing foldable, slender exercise equipment to save space.

Botanical Room

You can also consider creating a tropical oasis in your home! Transforming your extra space into a botanical room can become a stress-reducing hobby that purifies your air. More homeowners are becoming “plant parents” to reap the rewards of gardening, as plants improve your mood and boost productivity while enhancing the room’s overall look. By creating a green room, you’ll have a therapeutic haven in your home.

Some plants to consider for your botanical room include:

  • Snake plants
  • Heartleaf philodendron
  • English ivy
  • Spider plants
  • Aloe vera

Plant Care Tip: Talk to and play music for your plants! These simple actions will stimulate their growth.

When thinking about redesigning a spare room, the choices are endless. Instead of leaving your room empty or using it as extra storage space, consider these ideas for repurposing your spare bedroom into something you adore.

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Last modified: March 23, 2022