Written by: In the Community

Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida Turns 100

Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida (GSTF) is counting down to the 100th anniversary of the organization with an open invitation to the community. One of the oldest nonprofits in the region, the first Girl Scout troop in Miami was formed in 1923 — Alligator Troop 1 in Coconut Grove. GSTF will mark its centennial with a series of celebrations this fall.

To mark this milestone, GSTF is reaching out across all Miami-Dade and the Florida Keys, seeking to reconnect with alumni and supporters, record personal stories and gather artifacts for an exhibit.

“We have big plans in the works to paint the town Girl Scout green as we celebrate 100 years of championing girl leadership. Girl Scouts have impacted this community for nearly a century, and we want to showcase all our amazing Girl Scouts and alumni as part of our celebrations and storytelling,” said Chelsea Wilkerson, CEO of Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida.

GSTF’s 100th birthday plans also include a historical exhibit of Girl Scout artifacts, community activations to paint the town Girl Scout green, commemorative patches community members can earn and special events and celebrations.

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