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Common Misconceptions About Hazardous Waste

There are many common misconceptions about hazardous waste out there. Become more knowledgeable about the issue by debunking a couple of myths.

Common Misconceptions About Hazardous Waste

Depending on the industry, many people often find themselves working with hazardous waste. Since some garbage and byproducts can be dangerous to humans and the environment, it’s essential to know all about waste, disposal procedures, and management methods. However, it’s challenging to see the truth with so much information available. Here are some common misconceptions about hazardous waste to help you stay accurately informed.

Recycling Eliminates Waste Issues

As society continues to embrace sustainability, many businesses are implementing “reduce, reuse, recycle” initiatives to deal with their waste production. However, the recycling process isn’t flawless, meaning that it doesn’t eliminate waste issues entirely. Not everyone knows how to recycle correctly, and manufacturers don’t create all products with sustainability in mind. There is still a lot of work to do to perfect recycling and address waste generation.

Landfills Are the Best Waste Disposal Option

When it comes to managing waste, there isn’t anything quite like a landfill. However, landfills aren’t the best waste disposal option for so many reasons. People think that disposal companies sort through trash and remove anything that doesn’t belong in the dump. The truth is that recyclable materials wind up in landfills constantly, and dangerous products make their way to these dump locations by mistake all the time.

Hazardous Waste Companies Make Training Obsolete

Many businesses work with disposal companies to help them manage their waste. That said, waste disposal companies only do part of the work. Just because you’re contracting with a service to remove harmful material from your facility doesn’t make training obsolete. This common hazardous waste misconception makes some leaders think they don’t need to educate staff on important material handling procedures.

Liability Ends When Waste Leaves the Facility

When dealing with hazardous waste, the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” does not apply. Due to legislation like CERCLA and other federal mandates, liability doesn’t end when waste leaves your facility. You may still be held responsible for poor disposal practices that endanger others and the environment. This is why it’s so important to work with reputable waste services that know how to dispose of hazardous waste properly.

Now that you know about some myths regarding toxic waste, you can start making better decisions. Having this information will be a valuable tool in bettering your business practices.

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