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The 3 Most Common Causes of Carpet Damage

Carpeting is an integral feature of your home, so it’s worth protecting. Explore the common causes of carpet damage and learn to prevent them from happening.

The 3 Most Common Causes of Carpet Damage

Your carpet endures a lot of damage, from everyday wear to dirt, insects, and moisture buildup. And while it can withstand this battering to an extent—eventually—these things will start to take a toll on the quality and longevity of your flooring. That’s why it’s beneficial to understand the most prevalent types of carpet damage. This way, you can learn how to combat it and keep your carpets in excellent shape for longer.


It’s true—your carpet is a plushy covering that keeps your home cozy and warm. It’s so effective at making a space comfortable that insects find your carpet’s fluffy, soft fibers even more appealing than you do!

And if left unchecked, that tasteful nylon you adore can quickly become a breeding haven for numerous species of insects. Of course, the thought of carpet beetles multiplying underneath your carpet is repulsive enough to warrant a phone call to your local cleaner.

But more so, an infestation can lead to severe flooring issues and depreciation in the value of your home. So if you notice tiny, wiggly guys making themselves cozy in your carpet, call an exterminator as soon as possible.


It should be no surprise that one of the most common causes of carpet damage is pets. We may love our furry companions, but there’s no denying that they can easily become an enemy to carpets! Maybe your Labrador’s favorite pastime is going out for a romp in the mud and then bolting back inside to spread the love around your favorite rooms.

As a result, Fido inadvertently tracks carpet-damaging mud into the house, causing it to become embedded in your carpet. The point is that when our adorable family members inadvertently wreak havoc on our carpets, it can cause severe damage.

So it’s beneficial to keep track of when things like this happen. Moreover, when they do, try to have your carpets treated immediately. Doing so will ensure that your flooring stays in excellent shape so that your home remains pristine.

Excessive Moisture

Rainy days, water spills, and dashing from the bathroom to your closet too soon after a shower may seem like minor incidents. But the truth is, they start to add up over time. All of them can lead to excessive moisture building up in and underneath your carpets.

Later, this can cause mold and mildew growth. Plus, this moisture can lead to severe deterioration, pungent odors, and overall nastiness. We understand that a bit of water here and there seems harmless.

But there is a reason that excessive moisture ranks as one of the most common causes of carpet damage. So it’s prudent to stay on top of spills and sop them up as soon as they occur. Doing so will prevent damage to your flooring as well as unhealthy mold and mildew growth.

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Last modified: January 21, 2022