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The Most Common Causes of Excessive CTL Track Wear

CTL tracks can experience more wear than many operators think. Discover the most common causes of excessive CTL track wear and how to avoid them.

The Most Common Causes of Excessive CTL Track Wear

Whether CTL equipment plays a major or minor role in your occupation, it’s vital to take care of their tracks. These machines have quality rubber tracks and can maneuver safely over a job site while operating at their fullest potential. However, if you notice your CTL’s tracks are wearing down quicker than you’d expect, it could cost you a lot to maintain them in the long run. These are the most common causes of excessive CTL track wear and what you can do now to avoid premature breakage.

Wrong Track Tension

The tension of your CTL’s tracks provides them with the ability to accommodate certain types of terrain. When it has the right tension, the track will stay firm when it gets driven over soft ground, and it’ll also flex to avoid damage from rocks and other rough debris. Because of this, finding the appropriate measurement is the key to preventing additional wear over time. Tracks that are too tight or too loose don’t respond correctly to the terrain, increasing their risk of tearing or falling off the rollers. If you can’t achieve the correct tension with your current set, this is when you should replace your rubber tracks with new ones.

Using the Wrong Tracks

Your tracks can also experience more wear if you’ve equipped the wrong ones for the job. Not all models can withstand the rigors of certain environments. As such, it’s vital that you find a product that’s rated for your specific terrain. Additionally, it helps to purchase your replacement rubber tracks from a high-quality, reputable manufacturer. This way, you know you’re getting products with a longer lifespan.

Rough Terrain and Debris

The terrain can also be a problem for the longevity of your CTL tracks. Rough terrain is unavoidable in many lines of work, and it’s possibly the biggest contributor to quick track deterioration. You can mitigate its effect by reducing the amount of debris laying around your job site. Construction debris has sharp edges that can cut through rubber tracks. So, avoid unnecessary damage by keeping this area as clean as possible.

Poor Operational Habits

Bad CTL driving behaviors are some of the most common causes of excessive CTL track wear. Hard braking, fast turns, and overloading your CTL can all put additional stress on your tracks and increase their rate of wear. All operators must be alert at all times and drive their CTL carefully. This is the best way to prevent contact with dangerous debris and make it easier to protect your equipment.

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