Written by: Business Spotlight

Raquel Ramirez: The Perfect Realtor for Trying Times

Divorce is never easy, especially if you need a new home. Raquel Ramirez is a Certified Divorce Specialist who specifically tailored her real estate business to help people before, during or after this life change.

Regardless of how it happens, divorce is a challenging scenario for anyone going through it. It impacts almost every facet of your life, from your home to your job to your children to your finances.

There are therapists, counselors and financial advisors available to help many people cope with the changes in their lives related to divorce. But if there’s one thing that many people don’t have, it’s a dedicated Realtor with the right expertise who can help them with their divorce. Many people must sell their home or find a new home as a result of their divorce — so that’s exactly what they need.

A Certified Divorce Specialist

This is where Raquel Ramirez, owner and licensed real estate broker of Featured Properties International, steps in. As an entrepreneur and seasoned real estate professional, Raquel has almost 20 years of professional real estate and corporate banking experience. She is also a Certified Divorce Specialist and a founding member of the Coral Gables chapter of the National Association of Divorce Professionals (NADP).

After going through her own divorce journey many years ago, Raquel became intimately acquainted with this life-altering process and equally inspired to help others facing similar challenges. Uniting with like-minded professionals who touch on the divorce process through the NADP equips her with the appropriate resources to do just that. It also makes her uniquely qualified and suited to meet the real estate needs of people going through divorce.

“I work tirelessly to serve divorcing couples and other professionals with integrity and a sincere eagerness to help them reach their goals,” says Raquel. “I work with many attorneys, wealth managers, mental health practitioners, coaches, etc. I’ve seen some of the best and some of the worst cases imaginable, and I understand. I also know there is a better way to get past the process of selling the one thing that holds the most value — tangibly and intangibly — so that couples can find a truly equitable resolution and receive the most for their property.”

Raquel acknowledges that divorce can pose some particularly unique challenges when it comes to real estate transactions. In some cases, the divorcing couple may not agree on what should happen with their current home. Other times, one of them may want to keep it but lacks the financial means to do so. These are just a few of the many real estate challenges that can arise before, during or after a divorce occurs.

“Something must always be done about a marital asset,” she says. “Even when one spouse wants to keep the home, they must undergo a process of identifying whether that is a real possibility. While all of this is happening, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that could potentially hurt them in that process — financially, physically, even emotionally — as it relates to the real estate.”

Raquel notes that these examples indicate exactly why working with a Certified Divorce Specialist is so important. She has a unique skill set and range of experience that allows her to manage these specific scenarios in a way that is best for her clients.

“I study the market and provide attorneys with guidance so that they can include the right steps in the couple’s marriage settlement agreement — steps that won’t hinder but, rather, promote the successful sale of the property or properties,” says Raquel. “I also take the time to prepare the couple for the process. I work to communicate with them in ways that promote cooperation.”

Often, the challenges of the divorce can extend far beyond real estate transactions, and Raquel also works tirelessly to help her clients in other ways when she can. “I also take the children or special circumstances into account and search for ways to help protect them,” she says. “Of course, every marital relationship is different, and the spouses’ situations will almost always vary. But I am also happy to coordinate and devise a plan for the next stage of their lives. That includes an analysis of their finances and a blueprint for what to do to prepare for their next homes.”

In the end, Raquel’s ultimate goal is to help her clients live their best lives and achieve their real estate dreams, regardless of the challenges that they may be facing. “Divorce is hard enough; there is no need to make it worse by making ill-informed decisions around the things that matter most,” she says. “I see it as a personal and professional obligation to help people navigate the land mines around the divorce process.”

Raquel Ramirez is a Certified Divorce Specialist and the owner of Featured Properties International. For more information, call 305.978.3279 or visit her website at featuredre.com.

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