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Roadwork Guide: What Machines Are Used for Road Construction

There are a lot of moving parts in the road construction industry. Discover what machines are used for road construction and the tasks they help complete.

Roadwork Guide: What Machines Are Used for Road Construction

Road construction is an essential part of our societal infrastructure and safety. Responsible for building new roadways and repairing older ones, this industry works day and night to make sure we get to our destination as effectively as possible. But, to do that, they must have a series of different tools at their disposal, and you may not even know about some of them. Read on to learn what machines are used for road construction and the role they play in a standard project.

Dump Trucks

As with any type of construction work, having the necessary materials is the key to success. After all, you can’t tear up existing asphalt if you don’t have any to replace it with. Dump trucks provide these resources by picking them up from a designated distribution site and delivering them to their respective job site. Whether they’re handling hot asphalt or metal scraps, these machines transport a variety of materials as needed.


To begin each road project, an excavator will help break up the existing pavement and dig up the surrounding roadway. These pieces of equipment consist of a large scoop-like head and a long mechanical arm. Utilizing an excavator saves ample time during the beginning phases of a job, as they make it possible to move large amounts of land at one time.


Cranes also play a large role in the road construction process. Though there are fewer items that they can lift, cranes are great for removing bigger chunks of debris after demolition. They’ll place these pieces directly into a dump truck to reduce the risk of having a smaller machine, like a forklift, perform the task. This way, the project will use less manual labor, and the job will be safer.

Road Graders

Once the old road is torn up and out of the way, a road grader will come in to smooth out the remaining land. Proper roadways are smooth to promote optimal tire traction and reduce the amount of stress placed on a passing vehicle. As such, all new roads must have a quality base before laying the layers of pavement.

Road Rollers

After placing the new materials, a road roller drives over them to ensure they’re level. It’s common for lumps to form in hot asphalt during the laying process. So, road rollers double-check that everything’s smooth and prevent potholes from forming in the new build.

Though these are the machines most used in road construction projects, it’s important to note that they can still be dangerous. Any of these pieces of equipment can malfunction at any time, leading to severe injuries on the job site. As such, it’s recommended that workers practice all necessary safety precautions when at work and have a construction accident lawyer on call to plead their case in the event of injury.

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Last modified: October 6, 2021