Written by: Featured Senior Health

Innovative Senior Care

OpusCare has provided consistent care to families for more than 30 years, and a focus on individualized senior care is a key part of their mission.

November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. This month-long event is intended to raise awareness about the important health care concerns that older people and their loved ones may be facing. When these issues do arise for Floridians, they can rest assured that they have a trusted health care partner who puts a key focus on the issues facing seniors as they age: OpusCare of Florida.

“During the end of life, patients may experience significant pain and distress,” says Yajhaira Lorenzo, RN, director of clinical management at OpusCare. “Our goal is to help provide quality of life for patients and families during these moments and assist with the burden related to caring for someone under these health conditions. Our team is constantly searching for new ways to improve the symptoms associated with end of life using a well-rounded approach to care.”

A Plan for Your Loved Ones

What sets OpusCare’s senior health care apart is its focus on creating a custom plan of care for everyone that best reflects the needs of each patient and their family. Their team of trusted health professionals understands all too well that your loved one is more than just a number; they are a unique individual with certain desires, wants and needs for this important part of life’s journey. OpusCare is dedicated to implementing personalized care for each patient to ensure that they receive the care they need, starting with an initial assessment with the patient’s hospice physician and primary care physician to ensure continuous care and optimal quality of life.

“Each patient’s plan of care is unique,” says Lorenzo. “Care plans are determined after an evaluation is completed by all essential members of the interdisciplinary team to meet the physical, social and spiritual needs of all members of the family unit and in agreement with the patient’s wishes.”

Meeting the Challenges of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

This month is also National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, affecting a person’s memory and overall behavior. One of the things that families can do to help their loved ones is to be on the lookout for the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s or dementia. These may include:

  • Difficulty formulating sentences and words
  • Trouble performing simple or familiar tasks
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion with time and settings
  • General memory loss

If you notice any of these troubling signs and symptoms in a loved one, schedule an appointment with an OpusCare specialist right away. “By recognizing the signs, you are more likely to catch the disease early, allowing for proper planning and better treatment,” says Lorenzo.

If you have an elderly loved one who is struggling with the symptoms of Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, then you know that it can make end-of-life care even more challenging. OpusCare is well equipped to handle your family’s needs in these areas as well. “With the consent of the patients, our team develops a specialized care plan that includes pain management and the patients’ overall needs,” says Lorenzo. “As dementia or Alzheimer’s symptoms change or progress, so does the plan of care. We are in constant contact with families and caregivers to keep them updated on any changes being made.”

Constantly Growing and Evolving

The primary reason that OpusCare remains at the forefront of senior care, and family care in general, is their constant pursuit of improvement — not only in their facilities but also by encouraging their staff to continue their studies and expand their knowledge and experience. “OpusCare staff members are encouraged to continue their education whenever possible to help improve the patient experience and create innovative ways to improve patients’ health journeys,” says Gabriela Roque-Velasco, director of market research and development for OpusCare.

As the first hospice care organization in South Florida to include palliative care services as part of its program, OpusCare is helping bridge the gap in the care continuum. These services help patients easily transition from palliative to hospice care when they are ready to stop receiving aggressive or curative treatment.

This devotion to utmost quality, innovation and constant improvement is reflected in OpusCare’s Quality Indicators. When families are surveyed about their quality of care, OpusCare consistently scores well above the national average in every Quality Indicator metric. “Quality of care is fundamental to our organization,” says Roque-Velasco.

OpusCare of Florida’s newest facility is located at 9730 E. Fern Street in the Village of Palmetto Bay. Call 305.591.1606 or visit opuscare.org/south-florida or for more information.

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