Written by: Environment

Nurturing Our Future

And in the middle of the giant city,
Slowly awakening from deep slumber,
I came upon the most beautiful garden.
Bright yellow flowers stood tall,
As if stretching to feel the kiss of the sun,
While bees softly touched them,
As if to tickle them with a soft whisper.
The garden sat on an old high rail,
Transformed into a path of surprises,
With benches to sit on,
And nature to admire.
Nearby, on a river,
They had built a floating island,
With green spaces to be discovered,
And musical playgrounds to explore.
Ode to those Rewilding our cities!
Creating for us and for our children,
To reflect on the beauties,
That our dear Earth beholds.

As many of us gear up for a new school year, I wanted to highlight a program offered by some PTAs in our public schools. Reflections® is meant to explore and nurture creativity that stems from students responding to a theme. This year’s theme, “I Will Change the World by …,” came to mind as I got to explore the projects in New York City that have come to life thanks to the many who work to put them together — artists, architects, engineers and builders, to name a few — people who are seeking to change the world by rewilding our cities.

Creativity can be nurtured. It starts with us encouraging our children to explore. If you have a child and the opportunity, I urge you to get them to participate. You will be in awe of what they come up with! Additionally, they learn how to answer problems, find solutions and be inspired to do more.

Our children will become those who will change our world. And among them, those who will find ways to make it a little greener.

Small changes. Large impact. In a fight for green, we are all equal.

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