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Local Black High School Seniors Surprised with $60,000 Scholarship

Over the weekend, three South Florida Class of 2021 high school graduates were each surprised with a $20,000 scholarship for Black students in STEM, from Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) and parent company NextEra Energy. Recipients were greeted at FPL’s Miami Wynwood Battery and presented with big checks, hats and university swag, courtesy of FPL. 

More on the award and three scholarship recipients:  

  • The NextEra Energy Scholarship for Black Students in SECME: A merit award of up to $20,000 for college-bound high school seniors who have at least one year of experience volunteering in the Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering (SECME) and plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college or university for the entire upcoming 2021-2022 academic year. The reward will be $5,000 per year, renewable for up to three years or until a bachelor’s degree is earned, whichever occurs first.  
  • Luke J. Fourie: A Homestead resident, Luke was a member of several organizations throughout high school in addition to his participation in SECME, namely Math Honor Society, U.S. Presidential Scholars Program and Redlands Christian Migrant Association, among others. He will be attending the University of Florida in the fall and aspires to earn his PhD and become a physicist. 
  • Jayden McNab: Jayden, who lives in Miramar, first became involved in STEM topics during his sophomore year when he started competing in VEX Robotics tournaments as part of SECME. His love for the field drove him to commit to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he will pursue a career in computer science. 
  • Miya V. Aviles: With dreams of one day becoming a nurse, Miya from Hialeah credits SECME for having helped discover her passions. Throughout high school, she volunteered at health centers, attended industry competitions, and even served as a club officer. Miya is a Gator at the University of Florida where she is pursuing a career in healthcare. She will be attending the surprise event with her mother, who is also a nurse.
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