Written by: Business Health & Wellness

Common Health Hazards When Working in a Factory

Factory work is dangerous. Improper use of the equipment and poor working conditions are examples of common health hazards in a factory setting.

Common Health Hazards When Working in a Factory

Factory work is dangerous without the right safety precautions. Factory workers often transport and use heavy equipment and work under many conditions. If you manage or oversee one of these settings, watch out for these common health hazards when working in a factory. With proper preparation, you can make sure your workplace is safe and efficient.

Repeated Movement

Factories commonly see employees performing the same tasks every day. Some of the most common accidents around a factory floor are slips, trips, and falls from daily tasks and transporting products. These everyday accidents usually result in minor injuries, but they are still hazardous to your employee’s health, especially around more dangerous equipment.

Tools and Machinery

Without proper training and safety precautions, factory tools and equipment are another common cause of injuries. Each factory setting will use different machinery, but some of the most common tools that can cause injuries include drilling machines, saws, grinding machines, and transport equipment. Make sure that you and your employees receive the proper training for all factory equipment to minimize injuries as much as possible.

Poor Air Quality

Certain equipment such as grinders, sanders, and saws have the side effects of sending particulates and dust into the air. This byproduct can negatively affect the air quality of your factory space. Don’t inhale dust and other particulates, as they can cause lung and breathing problems over time. Monitoring and adjusting the air quality in your factory setting can facilitate a clean, healthy work environment. If air quality is a common issue in your workshop or factory, there are strategies you can implement to keep your shop dust-free.

While overseeing a factory setting, it’s important to keep potential hazards in mind. These examples of common health hazards when working in a factory can cause some of the accidents that can take place in these settings. You can minimize most risks like these with regular inspections and proper employee training. Utilize these strategies to make your work floor safer and more productive than ever.

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Last modified: August 18, 2021