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Unique Food-Based Businesses To Try

The food industry isn’t limited to family-owned diners and boxes of prepackaged cakes. Our list has several genuinely unique food businesses for you to try.

Unique Food-Based Businesses To Try

“I’m bringing home the bacon.” “Go get that bread.” “This job’s a regular gravy train.” It’s amazing how many expressions about making money surround the idea of food. So, in some ways, it makes sense to combine making food with making money by pursuing a food-based career. Here are a few unique food-based businesses to try for those who want to have their cake and eat it too.

Specialty Restaurant

On its own, a restaurant isn’t a unique food-based business idea. But a restaurant isn’t just about food; it’s about an experience. And if you can get creative with the experience you can offer your customers, you’ll have a truly exceptional eatery. Here are a few ideas:

  • Themed restaurants (pirate bar, geeky café, cowboy diner, etc.)
  • Entertainment-based restaurants (floor shows, karaoke, etc.)
  • Animal restaurants (cat cafes)
  • Specialty food restaurants (foods from underrepresented nationalities)
  • Restaurants that cook one food many different ways (pasta bar, fancy soups, pizza)
  • Health-based restaurant (gluten-free, keto-friendly, etc.)

CBD-Infused Food Products

CBD is huge right now, and so are products infused with it. If you want to find a niche within the sea of food product ideas out there, this is a good route to go down. By using CBD isolate, which is tasteless and dissolves easily in liquid, you can incorporate CBD into most traditional recipes. Anything from beverages and baked goods to sauces and dressings is fair game. That gives you plenty of options, depending on your background.

Cooking Classes

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life.” In other words, teaching cooking classes is an altruistic food business option. There are a few ways to do cooking classes as a business. You can build your own cooking school and teach students to cook five-star restaurant-quality meals or how to boil water for their ramen. Otherwise, you can offer to teach students in their own homes.

Food Reviewer

Who says you have to cook to go into food? When you’re a food critic, other people will bring the food to you. And, if you decide to record yourself eating various dishes and post this on YouTube, you can become your own brand while you’re at it.

But to become popular enough to make a substantial amount of money on YouTube, you need a little more strategy than that. It involves getting quality camera equipment, identifying your target audience, and having a consistent upload schedule. Even then, you may still be at the mercy of YouTube’s algorithms.

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