Written by: Home Kitchen

Essential Kitchen Items To Add to Your Wedding Registry

Essential Kitchen Items To Add to Your Wedding Registry

For many newlyweds who are starting their journey together, money is tight, so they must learn to make do with the things they already have. Fortunately, guests at the wedding are likely to gift the happy couple items from their registry to show their love and support. But creating your wish list is difficult when you don’t know how often you’ll use certain items. This guide looks at five essential kitchen items to add to your wedding registry.


A flatware set may not be the most exciting gift to receive, but it’ll become one of the most useful. When considering silverware, be sure to test different sizes and designs to make sure you find a set that is comfortable to use. Make sure the set offers enough flatware for 12 place settings.

Cookware Set

Much like utensils, a decent cookware set can last for many years. When considering the pots and pans you’d like to receive, consider how much cooking you already do. Chances are that your habits won’t change drastically after your wedding ceremony, so select a high-quality set with pieces similar to what you already use.

Kitchen Knives

It’s frustrating to cut and slice items with low-quality kitchen knives. While most couples will simply register for a 12 or 15-piece block and move on, adding specific options may prove more beneficial in the long term. It’s important for your kitchen knives to stay sharp, and owning specialized knives is one of the best ways to ensure this happens.

Food Storage Set

Most newlyweds are thrilled to receive a food storage set. These containers help preserve perishable food for longer, cutting down on waste and reducing the frequency and cost of grocery store trips.

Coffee Maker

Another essential kitchen item to add to your wedding registry is a coffee maker. While there’s nothing wrong with owning a basic, no-frills machine, many new models come with additional features that offer significant improvements. The ability to schedule brewing times, an automatic shut-off feature, and a self-cleaning system are just some of the benefits found in modern coffee makers that can save you time each day.

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