Written by: Miami Real Estate

Val Byrne

305.323.6231 // miamirealestateworks.com

Total Years in the industry: 26

Current company: EWM Realty: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

Biggest Sale: $17.25 million

What’s a silver lining to the pandemic?

The dark cloud of the pandemic created a bright rainbow in real estate sales. The already strong impetus of Northeastern and California buyers flocking to Florida to escape high state taxes was compounded by a movement to purchase homes that provided a safe haven where people could enjoy outdoor living year-round. The local population jumped on this train as well. Condominium owners began leaving the restrictive, higher density living in search for an open environment with their own swimming pools and ample room for home offices. The historically low interest rates provided the opportunity for all to participate in the movement, with the millennial population leading the buying spree.

State of the market:

Exploding, exciting and competitive

What neighborhoods are trending right now?

The always steadfast and solid neighborhoods of Coral Gables, Coconut Grove and Pinecrest are stronger than ever, as are Palmetto Bay and South Miami. The low levels of inventory in those communities have stirred a frenzy and driven prices up tremendously in a very short period of time. There is a strong trend of professionals moving to Shenandoah, Silver Bluff and The Roads neighborhoods in an effort to reduce the commute to work, and this area has expanded to include the corridors of Calle Ocho and West Miami.

Top tip for buyers, so they don’t get overwhelmed:

Remember terms are as important as price: Whittle down the number of days for inspections and approvals as much as possible. Work with a seasoned Realtor who has a successful track record and the skills to navigate you to a closing.

What keeps you motivated?

Happy faces, happy outcomes, and I am extremely competitive.

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