Written by: Safety

Unexpected Hazards of Heavy Rain

Unexpected Hazards of Heavy Rain

Living in Florida comes with lots of perks, from the gorgeous scenery to the proximity of the ocean and so much more. It also comes with a few setbacks, such as the humidity, the rain, and the extreme weather. Before the wet season hits, make sure you’re prepared and informed about the unexpected hazards of heavy rain.


Landslides often result from heavy rains. A landslide is the movement of rocks and debris on a downward slope due to a combination of rain and gravity. Here’s what to do if you’re in danger of a landslide:

  • Stay alert.
  • Consider evacuating and follow your local government’s recommendations.
  • Listen for the sounds of moving debris.
  • Avoid driving or leaving shelter.


Sinkholes can happen anywhere, but in the U.S., they’re most common in Florida. While a sinkhole in front of your house can mean many different things, if it formed after a rainfall, it was likely induced by the heavy rains. Here’s what to do if a sinkhole forms near your home:

  • Stay as far from it as possible.
  • If it’s close to your home, evacuate immediately.
  • Contact your insurance company.
  • Inform your neighbors and your local government.

Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is something that often happens as a result of heavy rains, but many people don’t realize how much it can affect them. Soil erosion can pollute the air people breathe. Here’s what to do if you suspect your local soil is eroded:

  • Plant perennials over the soil.
  • Add mulch to the soil.
  • Place crushed stone or pebbles over the affected area.
  • Use air purifiers inside your home.

There are many more unexpected hazards of heavy rain you should know. It’s best to be prepared when bad weather comes. Do some research about your locality’s common negative effects of heavy rains so you are ready when the weather hits.

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Tags: , , Last modified: February 16, 2021