Written by: Senior Health

What To Look for in a Bicycle for Seniors

What To Look for in a Bicycle for Seniors

Getting a bicycle is a smart move if you want to add exercise into your routine as an older adult. Bikes offer more excitement than walking, and soften the impact of exercise on your joints. Your bike should have certain qualities, so you are comfortable while riding it. This is what to look for in a bicycle for seniors.

Easily Mountable Design

Some bicycle designs prioritize speed and are difficult to mount because of an elevated seat that forces you to lean sideways when you stop. This design can quickly become tiring and may make cycling more dangerous. You need balance to avoid falling when mounting or dismounting. Older adults should prevent injury, so you should look for a bicycle that is easily mountable. If you need to stop frequently, you are less likely to get hurt.

Upright Riding Position

You should also reflect on riding position when examining your bike options. Again, speed is probably not your priority, so select a bike that lets you pedal while sitting upright. This is something to look for in a bicycle for seniors as it strains your back less when riding for long periods. A straight back is a more natural position that is great for leisure rides in your neighborhood. Keep an eye out for bicycles that have lower seats relative to the handlebars, and handlebars that point straight to the left and right. These are both marks of a bike meant for riding upright.

Motor Assistance

If you haven’t been active for a while or find yourself becoming fatigued, it is helpful to have backup while riding a bike. For this reason, electric bicycles are advantageous for seniors. Their motors will move you forward, so when you get tired or face a steep hill, pedaling stays manageable. Most electric bikes also have multiple levels of motor assistance, so you’re free to adjust them as needed. You won’t need to fear traveling further, because motors will help you ease the effort.

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