Written by: Family

Tips for Visiting Family in Florida

Tips for Visiting Family in Florida

Florida is one of the most popular locations to head to after retirement. For those with family members who live or have chosen to retire in Florida, this means you’ll be taking a trip or two to the Sunshine State to visit family. Traveling to Florida in the wake of COVID-19 has proven difficult. Follow these tips for visiting family in Florida safely.  

Evaluate Risk   

The first step in planning to visit family in Florida is to evaluate the risk of the trip. Determine who you will see on your visit and if anyone is at a greater risk of contracting COVID-19. You should also consider the location you are traveling from and where you are traveling to. Florida is known to be a hotspot that can increase travel risks. Assess if the trip is necessary at the time you plan to visit. For example, caring for a parent who has a medical condition is a travel-worthy cause, whereas a routine vacation is not and may be best to postpone. Having open conversations with the parties involved will also help determine if you should travel to Florida. If a family member is not fully comfortable, it may be best to postpone your trip or simply not visit them at this time.   

Take the Safest Travel Route  

If you choose to visit family during the pandemic, make sure to take the safest travel route to avoid transmission while traveling. While there are many airports available, air travel may not be the safest option. Driving to Florida eliminates interaction with strangers in tight spaces and allows you to feel at ease in the privacy of your car. To limit the people at risk of contracting COVID-19, it is also best to limit the number of people you are traveling with. Avoid taking the whole family or friends with you, as a solo trip will be a much safer option. Be sure to familiarize yourself with solo road trip safety tips before your trip.  

Socialize Safely  

The safety precautions should relax once you’ve reached your destination. Continue to socialize safely by limiting public outings and interactions with large crowds. If you plan to visit a lot of family in Florida, breaking off into groups of six or less is the safest way to keep everyone safe. Wearing a mask and avoiding close contact will keep you and other family members safe as well. Since Florida is known for sunshine and warm weather, utilizing the outdoors can be a safe way to socialize with family members and enjoy a little of what Florida has to offer.   

Choosing to travel during the pandemic can be a tough decision. Sometimes, visiting family is necessary. Regardless, these safety tips for visiting family in Florida during the pandemic will help protect every member of your family during your trip.

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Tags: , , Last modified: August 20, 2020