Written by: adventure In the Community

Dinosaurs Arrive at ZooMiami

We have traveled back in time…more than 20 dinosaurs have arrived from Allen, TX to Zoo Miami. After traversing nearly 1,500 miles by giant semi-trucks, the life-sized animatronic dinosaurs that look like the real animals that once existed will make their public debut on January 18, 2020. 

Among the varying dinosaurs that will temporarily be living at Zoo Miami, prepare yourself to come to face to face with the iconic Apatosaurus, closely related to the popular Brontosaurus.  Run for your life when you see the Deinonychus duo on the attack!  The killer claws on their hind feet will slash you if you get too close!  The Diabloceratops will intimidate you with its devil-horned face!  Watch out for the Dilophosaurus also known as “the spitter”!  It can spray you with its “deadly venom.” The 20-foot-long Megalosaurus will amaze you with his size!  The little ones will love the only climbable Pachyrhinosaurus that forms part of the herd!  Guests will be impressed at the front entrance with the size and beauty of the Quetzalcoatlus, the Mexican feathered god.  At 15 feet tall, it is the largest known flying animal to have ever lived.  Two of the biggest and best known dinosaurs, will also be present: the Triceratops with adorable hatchlings in a nest and the tyrant lizard king himself, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Be careful with the T-rex…containment is a challenge!!  Our only feathered dinosaur, the Utahraptor will make you believe you are seeing the real thing!  His nine inch curved claw is lethal! 

Prepare to see these extinct creatures come back to life in an extraordinary outdoor Jurassic adventure. The exhibit will open daily during normal zoo operating hours from January 18 through June 14, 2020.  This adventure will take zoo guests back to a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

There will be so much to see, learn and experience at this one-of-a-kind exhibit by Billings Productions, a world leader in the design and development of animatronic dinosaurs.  You may have to come more than once to take it all in! Dinosaurs LIVE! is included with Zoo admission and is open from daily from January 18 to June 14, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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