Written by: In Our Schools

PTS Awards King Constantine Medal to Hope Franklin

Palmer Trinity School (PTS), a Round Square Global member school, awarded its King Constantine medal to Hope Franklin for fully embracing the IDEALS of Internationalism and Service.

“Being part of a Round Square school is especially unique because it connects you to people all over the world, people you have extraordinary opportunities to meet through exchanges, conferences, or service projects,” said Franklin. “For me, Round Square means an incredible opportunity to expand one’s mind and broaden your sense of the world. Before I participated in a Round Square event, I had never been outside of the United States. My first Round Square—and international exchange—was at a boarding school in England. Through this exchange, not only was I able to live in a different country and learn about its history and culture, but I was able to truly experience this first hand.”

Franklin also participated in the 2017 Round Square International Conference in Cape Town, helped host a Round Square global virtual conference, and chaired the Round Square Committee at Palmer Trinity. “My travel helped to cultivate an appreciation for and a desire to learn about other cultures. It made me more open-minded, not only to other ideas but to the world. Round Square has helped me become a global citizen, to be more conscientious and to use my skills and strengths for the betterment of society,” she said.

As a student at Palmer Trinity, Franklin clocked-in more than 500 community service hours this year alone. She volunteered in the writing center, was a peer counselor working in conflict resolution, and a varsity athlete. Franklin was also the president and founder of the history club. Outside of school, she volunteered twice a week at a local retirement home as a reader. When in Miami, Franklin is involved in Breakthrough Miami, an organization for young students with academic potential in our inner city. With Breakthrough, the commitment is two Saturday’s a month during the school year and 6 weeks during the summer. She also tutors students in history and English at school and in our community. Franklin plays three instruments and loves to sing. “It is extremely important that we actively and consistently engage in service living because we are not here to solely exist, we are here to make a difference and to change things,” said Franklin. 

“Hope loves stories and is a true student of history,” says Danny Reynolds, PTS College Counselor and Associate Head of External Relations, and the school’s Round Square Representative. “She is a voracious reader and devours books. Academically, Hope was one of our strongest students and her footprint is well established in a plethora of areas in our community. She is well-rounded, kind, giving of herself, and is one of the most outstanding students I have taught and advised in my 26-year history at Palmer Trinity and we are delighted to honor her with the King Constantine Medal.”

Franklin graduated from Palmer Trinity School in May 2019 and is currently studying history at Durham University in the United Kingdom. She hopes to be a “change-maker in the world” and use her degree to encourage and educate people on our past and “make it a constructive tool to improve our future.”

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Tags: , Last modified: October 30, 2019