Written by: In the Community pets

21 Dogs and Cats from Bahamas Rescued After Hurricane Dorian

The Humane Society of Greater Miami has joined forces with other rescue groups across South Florida to help take in homeless dogs and cats that lost their homes after the devastating Hurricane Dorian. Over the course of a few days a combination of 20 dogs and cats from the Bahamas were taken in to be cared for by the non-profit animal welfare organization.

On Friday, September 13th, Alex Woodsum facilitated a transfer of six cats from Friends of Abaco Animals to the Humane Society’s Soffer and Fine Adoption Center. On Monday and Tuesday of the following week, a total of 15 dogs from the Bahamas Humane Society of Nassau were picked up at the National Jet Center in Fort Lauderdale. The animal transfer was part of a larger flight coordinated by Rich Anderson, CEO of Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League, in conjunction with Wings of Rescue, IFAW and GreaterGood.org. More than 130 dogs and cats were picked up by nine different shelters across South Florida. “The moment we heard about what happened in the Bahamas we knew that we wanted to step up and help in any way we could,” says Laurie Hoffman, Executive Director at the Humane Society of Greater Miami. 

The Humane Society of Greater Miami’s new feline residents were starving when they arrived at the shelter and were fed immediately. After finishing their meals rapidly, they were examined by the medical team. Although timid at first, the cats began to open up as the team worked hard to make them comfortable and attend to their needs. The new canine residents were first given refreshing baths and were then fed and examined. In addition to being famished, it was discovered that many of the dogs suffered from ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis, tick borne diseases commonly referred to as “tick fever,” as well as heartworm disease; both treatable conditions.

“It is amazing to see how incredibly sweet these dogs are,” comments Hoffman. “Despite all they have gone through, all of them have such friendly and gentle demeanors. It is as if they know that they have been given a second chance and are responding with sincere gratitude. We could not be happier to give them the love and care they deserve.”

The new furry shelter residents are currently under medical observation and receiving any treatments necessary before they are made available for adoption. To make a donation to help the Humane Society of Greater Miami treat and care for their new, Bahamian fur-residents, please call 305-749-1816 or visit www.humanesocietymiami.org. To stay up-to-date on the dogs’ and cats’ adoption statuses, follow their social media accounts: Facebook: @HumaneSociety305; Instagram: @HumaneSocietyMiami or visit their website.

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