Written by: Women

The Truth About Feminine Identity

After finding out about my husband’s secret addiction, the first words inside my head were, “you are not good enough.”

Although I had kept a good weight after pregnancies, and I took care of myself by not looking “raggedy,” I still didn’t look like THOSE women. The women in the pictures and videos he was looking at were flawless. They had big bottoms (I don’t). They were well endowed in ALL areas and looked sexy (I didn’t). Instead, I was a mom who was constantly picking up spit and felt no desire to be sexy, because my boops’ main function was food for my baby. As I looked around my naked body in the shower, I could see the stretch marks from multiple pregnancies. I could see gravity had taken a toll on my upper body, and my legs were proof I did not have flawless, hairless skin.

But those women, those escort düsseldorf women in the videos… they had EVERYTHING. Or so I thought…

If you would have asked me before this significant event if I liked myself…if I liked my body, I would have said “yes.” But it took my husband’s addiction and unfaithfulness, to find the real truth that was hidden deep inside me. I didn’t think I was beautiful.

The real beauty in my soul had been stripped away by several sexual abuse incidents and most deeply by the lack of having my daddy tell me how beautiful I was. My parents divorced when I was a little girl and for this reason, my definition of beauty was shaped by society’s distorted definition of beauty. This latter definition was one I could not match, no matter how hard I tried.

My husband’s actions were confirmation that what I felt inwardly was true. I COULD NEVER be that kind of beautiful!

Slowly, I began to shape and define the beauty that had been dormant in me. This was an internal beauty that did not need external approval. FROM ANYONE. And it was sufficient and magnificent. The stretch marks. The hairy legs. The round face. The buttless behind.

Today, I look at the majority of women in society and probably 99% of them are not happy with themselves. It’s not uncommon to start the conversation of hair dos or clothes shopping without realizing the identity shattering truth that women always find something wrong with a part of who they are. They don’t like themselves. COMPLETELY. If you are honest, of course…

As if it didn’t matter, we continue talking and complaining, not realizing how THAT TYPE OF CONVERSATION is hurting everything and everyone around us.

Without the realization of beauty, there is only chaos, fear and insecurity. IN EVERYTHING WE ARE AND IN EVERYTHING WE DO.

How much longer will you live a disintegrated life of chaos, fear and insecurity… that lacks beauty in everything you do?

It took me several years to work through the pain of a destroyed feminine identity… The work was not easy and it took digging deep into my soul. It took finding a supernatural strength to believe the reality of who I was created to be- a beautiful woman, inside and out.

There were several “ingredients” and practices that contributed towards my journey of true beauty and I would love to share them with you. However, please forgive me for not being able to share them here as a 1. 2. 3. outline. Out of respect for the process and sanctity of what real beauty represents, those ingredients are too delicate to share as bullet points. You understand, don’t you?

It will be in the special and intimate event called Live Life that I will have the privilege of leading over 400 beautiful women through the journey of true beauty. From Day 1, I immerse you in beauty, so beauty becomes you. Then, we journey through 3 days of beauty to find the beauty that will stay and be manifested all around you. Mysterious? Yes. Beautiful? Even more!!! I hope you recognize you need to join me. Skip into beautiful motion, as you feel a natural pull towards finding out more and registering for this experience at LiveLifeTheExperience.com

This is not for everyone, but it is for you, Beautiful.

Meet Shirley Solis: Shirley Solis is an International Intervention Coach, who helps women and men create breakthroughs in one session- guaranteed! Schedule an appointment by calling 786-624-9444.

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