Written by: In Our Schools

Micaela Benito Recognized for State Hispanic Heritage Month Award

As proposed by Board Member Mari Tere Rojas, the School Board recognized Key Biscayne K-8 first grade student Micaela Benito for her academic and artistic achievements. Micaela is in the gifted Extended Foreign Language (EFL) program and enjoys participating in extracurricular activities such as soccer, art, and dance. In her short time as a student, Micaela has had several accomplishments, including the Principal’s Honor Roll and she was the top mathematics recipient in her VPK class, as well as the top language arts student in her Kindergarten class.

Most recently, she competed in former Gov. Rick Scott and First Lady Ann Scott’s 2018 Hispanic Heritage Month Contest. This year’s theme was “A Celebration of Innovative Hispanic-American Leaders.” Micaela chose to draw about Cuban-American Aimee Viana, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. She was one of only two students, in the entire state of Florida, who won the student art contest. Micaela and her family were invited to a recognition ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion where Governor and Mrs. Scott presented her with a framed drawing of her winning art submission.

“Her accomplishments go beyond the halls of the school and her enthusiasm, dedication to learning, and drive guide her into a very promising future. Micaela is making a difference and she is already creating a positive and glowing contribution to her school community,” Ms. Rojas said.

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