Written by: In Our Schools

Amazon Donates $25K To Dr. Robert B. Ingram Elementary School

On Friday, September 14, 2018, the students and staff at Dr. Robert B. Ingram Elementary were pleasantly surprised with a $25,000.00 donation from Amazon, which opened up its distribution center blocks away from the school. This is the second monetary investment made to a District 1 school by the corporate behemoth, which was founded by former M-DCPS student Jeff Bezos. Earlier this year, Amazon made a $10,000.00 donation to Barbara Hawkins Elementary School for its STEM Lab and program.

The funds donated to Dr. Robert B. Ingram Elementary will be used to purchase musical instruments, supplies, and staging for student performances at the school.

Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez, and District 1 County Commissioner Barbara J. Jordan, as well as elected officials and community partners from the City of Opa-locka were all in attendance for the big announcement to the school.

“It is always a great experience to stand with businesses such as Amazon that invest in our schools and students,” said District 1 School Board Member Dr. Steve Gallon III. “There is no better investment than in the present learning and future lives of our students.” Dr. Gallon, along with others expressed gratitude to Amazon for their role in supporting the school.

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Tags: , , Last modified: October 1, 2018