Written by: Ask the Expert Miami

Miami-Dade Water is Delicious, Safe and Reliable

August marks the half-way point for Hurricane Season and while we hope for the best, Miami-Dade County residents must be ready to prepare for the possibility of a storm heading our way. Planning is key and the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) is ready to serve its 2.3 million customers before, during and after a storm.

Don’t let empty grocery store shelves stress you out because WASD has supplies, equipment, generators and staff at the ready to sustain uninterrupted service to the community. For tips on how much water to store for your family and pets and when to begin, visit http://www.miamidade.gov/water/hurricane-preparedness.asp

While having a reliable, safe water source during times of emergencies is vital, the department and its more than 2,400 employees work around the clock to provide high quality drinking water to the community every single day.

From the Lab Division staff who sample the water more than 320,000 times a year, to the water distribution crews who upgrade and maintain WASD’s more than 8,000 miles of water pipes, to the folks at the water treatment plants, we are committed to serving the needs of Miami-Dade County residents, businesses, and visitors by providing high quality drinking water and wastewater disposal services while providing for future economic growth via progressive planning; implementing water conservation measures; safeguarding public health and the environment; and providing for continuous process improvements and cost efficiencies.

From the time you make your first cup of coffee in the morning and brush your teeth until your shower before heading to bed, your life is directly impacted by the need for safe drinking water. Miami-Dade water is monitored and must comply with local, state and federal regulations. WASD is happy to report that not only do we meet these standards, but we exceed them. To review the latest water quality report, visit www.miamidade.gov/waterreport.

Not only is the water coming straight out of your faucet delicious and safe, but it is a bargain, too. At less than a penny a gallon, using reusable water bottles is not only better for the environment, but for your budget, as well. The median monthly residential bill for a Miami-Dade Water and Sewer customer who uses 5,236 gallons of water a month is $42.53. WASD is the largest water and sewer utility in the Southeastern United States and our rates are amongst the lowest in the state.

We work hard to bring you high-quality drinking water today, and we are already working on upgrades to the system that will benefit our future customers for decades to come. The department is currently in its fifth year of a 15 to 20 year multi-billion dollar Capital Improvement Program that will improve service, infrastructure, as well as increase positive economic impact to the region and bring thousands of new jobs to the area.

For more information on WASD and water conservation tips and rebates, please visit  www.miamidade.gov/water. For up to date department information, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Tags: , , Last modified: August 6, 2018