Written by: Décor

DIY Décor

You don’t have to be an expert to add a jolt of holiday to your home. Take these cues from in-demand floral designer Sylvie Kruger of Ati Fiori Florals and give your next party a pop.

Mason Jars

Kruger loves to stock up on these easy-to-find jars (hit up Target, Michael’s or Publix) and fills them with everything from floating candles to rosemary. “Any flower looks festive with a gold ribbon wrapped around the mason jar,” she says.


While Kruger suggests Amaryllis for festive look (“Most supermarkets stock them during holiday time,” she says.), you can also bring nature inside by collecting excess tree branches (or even Christmas wreaths) to use in tablescapes and other tabletop décor. For extra sparkle, Kruger heads to Michael’s for metallic options to mix in with the natural elements.


Platters are a great way to bring in fresh herbs and add color to a table. Kruger likes to decorate her cheese plates with rosemary and sage bunches, or pomegranate halves straight from Publix.


When all else fails candles can bring ambiance to any room, says Kruger, who places simple candles inside glass holders to amp up the décor. “Literally just placing Pine Cones or red and green balls (even blue if you’re celebrating Chanukah) in any glass vase, tray or bowl can liven up a room,” she says.

For even more decor inspo follow Sylvie on Instagram @atifiori.

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