Written by: In Our Schools Palmetto Bay Pinecrest

Never Sleep Past 9:00 am

Never sleep past 9:00, the world starts at 9:00,” is the expert advice from Miami Palmetto Senior High school’s college counselor Mr. Harry Neremberg.

Summer is not only a time to decompress and recharge but, for high school students, should be a time to branch out and spend time doing things that they otherwise could not be doing during the school year. A successful summer is many times wasted inside playing video games. Instead, students who hope to add items to their resumes should capitalize on the wealth of free time granted during the summer months.

Enrolling in a course at the local community college is a popular choice for many students who want to get ahead academically. However, if studying all summer is not for you then getting a job, starting or continuing a community service project, or taking advantage of community activities may be a more promising option.

Summer gives students the freedom to focus their attention and time on something other than what is required within the school year. Taking courses that interest them but may not be available at their own schools is one reason many students enjoy the dual enrollment programs offered at local colleges. Not only do these courses open opportunities to get ahead, but they are a way for students to explore possible future academic interests. In addition, summer jobs are a great way to make extra money, facilitate the development of leadership qualities, and build their college resumes. As for community involvement and service, summer is the perfect time to expand or create service projects within the community. Focusing fully on a project and kicking it into high gear during the summer is the perfect way to help the community and bring a project to the next level.

The main takeaway for students this summer is to not sleep your way through the opportunities. Capitalize on the extra time. Find a balance between having fun and participating in activities that ensure your future success. Summer is a time to explore new interests or build upon past activities bringing them to a new degree. Wake up early, be productive, and do not sleep away the precious time you could use to prepare for the future.

Sabrina Garcia is an incoming senior at Miami Palmetto Senior High School.

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