Written by: In the Community

Back to Reality

OMG! Where did the summer go? It seems like we were just celebrating the last day of school and this morning I was ordering school supplies online. I must say that this was one of the busiest summers ever. We went on 4 trips in 8 weeks. From Disney to Domincan Republic to Nassau we got our travel on. I am so thankful for the opportunity to travel and spend time with my family and friends. Now it is back to alarm clocks, packing lunches, carpool, homework, soccer practice, homework, tutoring, dance, homework…..I think I am already over the homework. I hope that you all had a great summer! Here are a few tips for keeping cool the first few weeks of school.



Tips to “Keep your Cool” heading back to school!


  1. Start shopping early for school supplies and uniforms. If possible, leave the kids at home while shopping.
  2. Try to implement bedtime routines about a week before school starts. This will ensure everyone gets enough rest.
  3. Pack healthy school lunches the night before. If you wait until the last minute you will throw anything in the lunch box. Check out eatingwell.com for lunch ideas.
  4. Be patient! It is always an adjustment for parents, kids and even teachers the first few weeks.
  5. Have your Sporty Momma t-shirt ready to throw on at all times. We all have those days where we can’t find anything to wear! Shop sportymommas.com for the latest sporty apparel!



Sharonda Stewart


Follow @sportymommas on facebook, twitter and Instagram


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Tags: , , , , Last modified: August 12, 2015