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What’s Your Home’s Best Protection Against Hurricanes?

Roofs are the most vulnerable part of a property and are exposed to all the elements — it’s no wonder Roof Repairs Sunshine Coast are needed so frequently, especially in places where storms are regular occurrences. Strong images remain in the minds of South Florida residents of the demolished homes and damaged roofs left behind from previous devastating storms. In fact, homeowners who had metal roofing on their home when those storms struck describe how those in the neighborhood who’s homes did not have metal roofing were affected. As you can imagine, once the protection of the roof is gone, the entire inside of the home – including your most prized possessions – becomes vulnerable and the results can be devastating. This just goes to show how beneficial metal roofing can be. You can even install it yourself so take a look at this article to find out more — The ultimate guide to cutting metal roofing.

Roofing experts aren’t surprised to hear stories like this, as most metal roofing materials interlock, forming a protective barrier that other roofing materials do not provide. This interlocking, and other key features, makes the roof stronger and more resistant to high winds. This is something that you may want to consider when considering Roof Conversions for your property.

Many metal roofing systems have a +120-mph wind rating and uplift resistance that exceeds new building code requirements. In 1992, Hurricane Andrew caused total devastation – 44 deaths and $25.3 billion (1992 USD, $42.5 billion 2015 USD) in damage in the state of Florida alone – and brought about major building code changes in Miami-Dade County. Because metal roofing performance exceeds that of other types of roofing, many South Florida homeowners now choose it for their homes, getting firms similar to Richmond Roofers to handle the installation.

For example, metal roofing systems are subjected to rigorous examination including: testing the panels for wind uplift resistance; testing panels and rim conditions to 110-mph wind driven rain and salt spray testing of coating for 1000 hours. Metal panels under 22-gauge are also subjected to a brutal 2×4 impact test. Only panels that cannot be perforated by a 2×4 launched at high speed will meet the code requirements.

Investment-grade metal roofing also boosts a home’s energy efficiency. Studies indicate that installation of reflective metal roofing can save homeowners up to 40% in summer cooling energy costs while highly emissive metal roofs can reduce urban air temperatures by as much as 12 degrees F.

Hurricanes are dangerous events and Miami is one of the top 5 most vulnerable cities in the country. Those of us who have lived through one of these fierce storms are aware of their awesome potential. And if you’re new to the area, please don’t be fooled by the “How bad can a storm be?” syndrome. Hurricane season runs from June 1st until November 30. Predictions vary, but according to some reports, the 2015 hurricane season could be the most active and dangerous in at least three years, and the upcoming three seasons could prove to be the most dangerous that the area has seen in ten years. So is your home – particularly your roof – prepared?

Because your roof is the first barrier against high winds and the elements, installing a durable metal roof is a key strategy for strengthening your home’s defenses against severe weather events. Isn’t it time you looked into metal roofing for your home? Not only will you save money on energy costs and improve the appearance of your home – -you’ll be providing your home, your family and your most prized possessions with the best possible protection and true peace of mind.

Istueta Roofing, South Florida’s Most Trusted Roofer Since 1985, can be reached at 305.671.9625 or online at www.istuetaroofing.com.

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Tags: , Last modified: June 15, 2015