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Love Your Lawn: Learn How to Care for Your Landscaping

Brought to you by Scotts.

Spring is coming, which means it’s time to spruce up your surroundings and get your lawn back to looking lush and gorgeous, while helping our environment. Some may be looking to find a lawn weed suppressants option that works for them, whilst others want a more hands on experience to ensure that their gardens are exactly as they want them. The turning of the seasons makes the perfect time to get into the project of a garden, that’s for sure.

The benefits of having a great, green lawn go beyond providing you and your family with outdoor enjoyment during warmer months. A responsibly maintained lawn can also help the environment, with options to reduce the amount of grass and plant more evergreens in the area. This can be lower maintenance, and also help lower water usage in your area. There are other environmental benefits too. Lawns oxygenate the air, filter groundwater, and absorb nutrients. They help contain soil erosion and absorb more carbon dioxide than trees. Well-fed lawns also contribute to a cooler surrounding environment; lawns reduce heat in and around your home by cooling the air and reduce traffic noise by dampening sound.

People in other parts of the country may have to look elsewhere for help to achieve all this. However, for Florida residents, a quick visit to Scotts.com/Florida to learn backyard tips and techniques for keeping a healthy lawn and find out what Scotts is doing to help protect our natural waterways is all that’s needed.

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