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Early Signs and Symptoms That Indicate Diabetes

Do you think you’re diabetic? The signs are all there; it’s just a matter of knowing them. Check out our guide on the signs that indicate diabetes below.

Early Signs and Symptoms That Indicate Diabetes

There are definite signs that something is amiss in the beginning stages of any illness. What are the early signs and symptoms of diabetes? Read on to find out more and catch health changes faster.

Weight Loss

Sudden weight loss is a significant indicator of diabetes. Insufficient insulin keeps the body from getting glucose into the blood for energy. When this happens, the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy, causing you to lose weight rapidly. If you lose over 5 to 10 percent of your body fat in 6 to 12 months, it might be time to check for an underlying medical condition. Monitoring both weight gain and loss is a key tip for managing life with diabetes.

Increased Hunger and Thirst

Those with diabetes also experience issues with hunger and thirst. This is a symptom that indicates that there’s too much sugar in your bloodstream. Thirst is a strong symptom of dehydration. Your body needs to dilute the glucose somehow, so you drink more. Excessive thirst is usually a sign that your kidneys must work overtime to filter and absorb your excess glucose and is an early warning sign of diabetes.

Urinary Frequency

Bladder dysfunction in people with diabetes is certainly common. Finding yourself constantly on the way to the bathroom is a key sign that something isn’t right. A person with diabetes can have a neurogenic bladder caused by nerve damage, or diabetic neuropathy, which also causes numbness in the hands and feet. People with diabetes also experience nocturia, which causes them to urinate more in the evening. This can signify a severe urinary tract infection or uncontrolled blood sugar. Fortunately, medications can help control the condition.

Diabetes is a serious health concern. You may struggle with it, and if you want to get ahead of the condition, you must learn the symptoms of the condition. If you notice any of these signs, consider scheduling an appointment with your family doctor to discuss ways to preserve your health.

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Last modified: August 5, 2022