Written by: Outdoors Safety

3 Common Causes of Pipeline Failure

3 Common Causes of Pipeline Failure

No matter where you live, your community relies on safe and effective pipelines. When industrial pipelines are in working order, they safely deliver valuable products to gas stations, service meters, and homes and businesses everywhere. When these pipelines stop working, the effects can harm nearby environments and communities. Pipeline damage, leaks, and accidents can cut off supply and create serious health risks. Oil companies, construction businesses, and regular homeowners alike need to understand the common causes of pipeline failure so that they can prevent these and other hazards in the future.


Corrosion is the result of the pipeline material and various valves (such as Control Valve) reacting with its surroundings. These reactions can stem from the natural environment around the pipe, the chemical products within the pipe, or specific defects that occur throughout the pipeline system. External corrosion occurs when the outer surface of the pipe causes an electrochemical interaction with the surrounding soil, water, or air. Internal corrosion happens when the same interaction occurs between the inner surface of the pipe and the product it’s transporting. All types of corrosion cause the metal of the pipe to wear down, weakening the integrity of the pipeline.

Incorrect Operation

Human error can also lead to some of the most common causes of pipeline failure. Improper training, poor instructions, or simple mistakes can lead to damaged pipes, or pipes that get shut down entirely. This is why pipeline companies must prioritize their training and onboarding processes. The more qualified the pipeline workers, the less risk there is of incorrect operation and pipeline failure. Gas and oil companies should always outfit their workers with the education, resources, and pipeline products they need to safely maintain the pipeline system.

Excavation Damage

Pipelines often run underground, making it difficult to spot them during construction work. Both commercial and residential construction projects must ensure they avoid pipelines during the digging process. One wrong move can create a dent or crack in the pipeline. Careless excavation can also damage a pipe’s protective coating. Whether you’re repairing major highways, laying the foundation for a new home, or digging out fields for this year’s crops, make sure you take the necessary precautions to locate and avoid local pipelines.

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