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Written by: Business

Signs You Need To Update Your Product Packaging

Sometimes, it’s hard to tell when something is broken and needs fixing, but we can help. Here are the signs you need to update your product packaging.

Signs You Need To Update Your Product Packaging

The packaging you market your product in can often affect your sales—if your package design is outdated, it could significantly affect your bottom line. Here are some signs you need to update your product packaging to get out of a design rut.

Declining Sales

If consumers think your product’s design has gotten stale, they’ll tell you by voting with their wallets. When you notice declining sales with no apparent reason, think about updating your packaging design. Shoppers like creative, clear, and simple packaging designs that make your product’s message easily identifiable. Consider updating your typeface, color scheme, or even the type of packaging you use.

Competitor Changes

Sometimes, customers switch from one product to another because the alternative comes with a sleeker package. Stay in the know when your competitors change up their look—if they have increased success, it’s likely at the cost of declining sales for you. Look at what they’re doing right with their new packaging, and try to make it even better.

Increased Packaging Costs

Time can significantly affect material costs—for instance, cardboard costs reached a record high in February. Even if sales are steady, you might find your business making less money each quarter due to the increased prices of your packaging. That tells you you’d benefit from some new ideas in the packaging department.

New Technology Has Emerged

Thankfully, as some materials increase in price, innovators worldwide work to make other options more feasible. It’s essential that you know all the packaging options at your disposal so that you’re not stuck with an outdated system. For instance, there are four different types of bags, each with its own unique purpose.

Make the switch to a better vehicle for your product, and you’ll notice a quick reduction in packaging costs.

Now that you know the signs you need to update your product packaging, change what you need to, and watch the sales roll in.

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Last modified: November 12, 2021