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Stained Table Linens?

Stained linen is bound to happen: someone makes a spill on your beautiful holiday table linens. Don’t worry, here are some tips on how to save your décor.

  • Candle Wax- Put linens in the freezer (unless a piece is antique which should be taken to a dry cleaner). When the wax is frozen, gently scrape it off with a dull butter knife, then launder as usual.*
  • Coffee or Tea- Check the tablecloth after use. Pretreat stained areas with a stain remover or liquid laundry detergent. Or rub the stains with bar soap. Launder as usual; rewash if needed.**
  • Gravy- Pretreat or soak with a product that contains enzymes. Soak the stained cloth for 30 minutes if the stain is dry. Launder as usual; repeat the process if necessary. Don’t dry your tablecloth in the dryer until the stain is completely gone.**
  • Red Wine- Sponge or soak the stain using cool water. Pretreat it with a stain remover or liquid laundry detergent. Launder the cloth with fabric-safe bleach.**



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Last modified: January 2, 2014